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WHA主席欲喊卡 友邦聖文森堅持挺台發言到底 聖文森衛生部次長奈特斯表示,當前世界正應對2019冠狀病毒疾病疫情,全世界應團結應對,絕不能排除任何國家,聖文森認為台灣未能參與世衛並不合理,台灣有應對疫情的專業知識,應能有意義參與,絕不能忽略台灣的重要性。 此時挪威籍的委員會主席拉森打斷奈特斯發言,提醒注意議事規則,應針對討論議題發言,隨後讓奈特斯繼續發言。 奈特斯回答:「我會繼續發言,我正要這麼做。」他隨後面不改色,繼續為台灣執言,發言中心圍繞台灣、支持台灣有意義參與世衛大會,以及台灣2300萬人民福祉,期間提到台灣約10次,直到發言結束... —以下是發言完整內容— 11月12日聖文森衛生部次長Cuthbert Knights在A委員會發言 發言內容: Mr. President, the 73rd annual World Health Assembly is being held at a time when the world is facing an unparalleled and unprecedented challenge from the COVID-19 pandemic. This unprecedented outbreak of the novel coronavirus has made more urgent than ever the importance of the world’s most comprehensive health commitment to date, “Universal Health Coverage: Moving together to build a healthy world.” 主席先生,第73屆WHA舉行時,武漢肺炎正帶給世界前所未有的重重挑戰。新冠病毒造成史無前例的全球大流行,讓大家體認到目前世界最完整的健康承諾「施行全民健康覆蓋:共同創造健康的世界」顯得更加重要與迫切。 Mr. President, this historic declaration on universal health coverage adopted by the UN Member States underscores the significant role of Member States’ cooperation and reinforces further the importance of inclusivity in achieving universal health coverage, and thereby, prevent billions from accessing healthcare. 主席先生,這個被聯合國會員國所採納的歷史宣言內容中強調會員國彼此合作的重要性,並重申在實踐全民健康覆蓋時應確保包容性,讓數十億人獲得醫療照護。 At a time when the world is still checkmated by the coronavirus pandemic, the WHO’s repeated call for the world to work together to combat the disease can no longer exclude any member’s participation in the WHA. In other words, Mr. President, to make “health for all” a reality and ensure that no member is left behind, we must address the meaningful participation for all members in this most important and distinguished forum. 目前世界仍面臨武漢肺炎疫情威脅的當下,WHO多次呼籲的全球合作抗疫實不應排除任何成員參與WHA。換句話說,主席先生,為實踐「全民均健」並確保沒有任何國家被排除在外,我們必須讓所有國家有意義參與這個重要的論壇。 Cognizant of the critical importance for all people to have access to the healthcare they need, when and where they need it, without facing financial hardship, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is therefore of the view that it is entirely irrational and counterproductive not to have any member, including Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the WHO. Taiwan possesses the expertise, professionalism, and generosity to make a significant difference, and we cannot and should not allow great power politics to deny Taiwan’s meaningful participation. 聖文森認為讓所有人在適當的時間與方便的地點獲得所需之醫療照護,且不必擔心財務困難是非常重要的事情。因此,拒絕台灣等國家有意義參與WHO是不通情理且造成反效果的行為。台灣擁有醫療知識及專業並慷慨助人,能夠帶來正面影響,我們不能也不該讓大國政治阻止台灣有意義參與WHO。 [Chair] This is Chair. Saint Vincent, I would like to ask you in accordance with the rule 53 of the Rules of Procedures to confine yourself to addressing the agenda item under discussion. Thank you. You are welcome to continue. 聖文森,這是主席,依議事規定第53條,請配合目前議程討論項目進行發言。謝謝,請繼續。 [Saint Vincent] So I will continue. This is what I am doing. Taiwan, in view of its resounding success in responding to COVID-19, is in a position to share its best practices, expertise, professionalism, and generosity that can be helpful to combat COVID-19 pandemic. It has afforded many member states including Saint Vincent and the Grenadines the opportunity to access high quality health services, medical equipment, and supplies and skills; health workers to strengthen the health workforce; and infrastructure in the face of and in response to the relentless COVID-19 pandemic and other diseases. 所以我將繼續發言,這也是我正在做的事。臺灣在因應武漢肺炎方面展現出豐碩成果,能夠分享最佳作法、醫療知識、專業態度及慷慨大度,幫助世界對抗武漢肺炎疫情。在我們面對及應對無情的武漢肺炎與其他疾病時,臺灣讓聖文森及格瑞那丁在內的許多會員國有機會獲得高品質醫療服務、醫療器材、物資及技術,協助醫護人員強化醫療勞動力,並加強相關基礎建設。 And I will conclude, Mr. President, what therefore justifies the continued exclusion of Taiwan’s meaningful participation from this forum? As we are all undoubtedly aware, there is already an established precedence of Taiwan’s participation at this assembly as an observer, and its meaningful and ongoing interaction with the WHO. Hence it is reasonably normal to your expectations to conclude that Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHA as an observer is neither illegal nor inconsistent with any resolution. In this view, the WHO can no longer continue to disregard the health and human rights of the Taiwanese people. Should the legitimate health and welfare of the 23 million people in Taiwan be held ransom to the preference of a government? This must change. 主席先生,我將總結發言。試問持續排除臺灣有意義參與此論壇的理由何在?我們都清楚知道,臺灣往年曾以觀察員身分參與WHA,且持續與WHO有意義地互動,這都是有前例可循的。正因如此,臺灣以觀察員身分出席WHA既沒有違法,也沒有與任何決議衝突,這是合理正常且符合期待之結論。因此,WHO不應持續忽視臺灣人民的健康及人權。難道臺灣二千三百萬人之合法健康福祉就該因為某國政府的偏好而被劫持?我們必須做出改變。 Mr. President, Saint Vincent remains resolute in its stance regarding Taiwan’s participation in the WHO. Thank you, Mr. President. 主席先生,聖文森堅絕支持台灣參與WHO,立場並無改變。謝謝主席。

WHA主席欲喊卡 友邦聖文森堅持挺台發言到底 聖文森衛生部次長奈特斯表示,當前世界正應對2019冠...

【魔法館長們大聲疾呼 #台灣參與WHO 現正進行中】 #WHO應纳入台灣 📣📣📣 從這波 #台灣模式 有效因應中國武漢肺炎疫情 世界各國紛紛體認到 台灣的 #專業正向 態度與 #民主透明 價值 ✨ 對世界醫療及公共衛生的重要性 👍 #魔法部 外派在世界各地的館長們 也持續在當地媒體投書🗞或接受專訪🎙 讓全球民眾都能接受到 來自台灣 #貨真價實 童叟無欺的正義之聲‼️ 小編用影片呈現精華部分 有興趣看更多,或願意幫推給外國朋友者的外粉 請先參考下面落落長的清單吧~ #蒐集癖小編症頭發作 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️ #史無前例之魔法館長大集合 #台灣需要WHO #WHO需要台灣 The heads of our overseas offices around the world have been busy giving interviews and writing opinion pieces to local media outlets in the countries where they’re posted, to raise awareness for #Taiwan’s will to participate in this year’s World Health Assembly and do our bit for #PublicHealth as a responsible global stakeholder! Why not peruse the links below to find out what our representative in your country had to say? #SDG3 #Health #Wellbeing #TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping #WorldHealthAssembly #WHONeedsTaiwan === 按刊出日期編排 === 1/26 🇳🇱 駐荷蘭代表處 Representative Office in the Netherlands 陳欣新代表 Representative Chen Hsing Hsing 亞洲雜誌 Azië Magazine https://reurl.cc/R4L24G 2/6 🇦🇹 駐奧地利代表處 Representative Office in Austria 史亞平代表 Representative Vanessa Shih 新聞報 Die Presse https://reurl.cc/nzqlWX 2/7 🇱🇨 駐聖露西亞大使館 Taiwan embassy to Saint Lucia 沈正宗大使 Ambassador Shen, Cheng-Tsung HTS電視台 https://reurl.cc/arZXvG 2/8 🇮🇪 駐愛爾蘭代表處 Representative office in Ireland 楊子葆代表 Representative Pierre Yang 愛爾蘭時報 The Irish Times https://reurl.cc/qdnpmD 2/14 🇨🇱 駐智利代表處 Representative office in Chile 溫耀楨代表 Representative Diego Wen 展示者電子報 El Mostrador https://reurl.cc/rx30aE 2/16 🇩🇰 駐丹麥代表處 Representative office in Denmark 李翔宙代表 Representative Frank Lee 貝林時報 Berlingske https://reurl.cc/qdnpg0 2/17 🇳🇿 駐奧克蘭辦事處 Office in Aukland 劉永健處長 Director general Liu Yeong-Jainn Indian Newslink https://reurl.cc/Njb2Zq 2/19 🇲🇳 駐蒙古代表處 Representative office in Mongolia 羅靜如代表 Representative Grace C. R. Lo 烏蘭巴托郵報 UB Post https://reurl.cc/lVNp96 2/20 🇮🇳 駐印度代表處 Representative office in India 田中光代表 Representative Tien Chung Kwang 印度快報 Indian Express https://reurl.cc/62jGZy 2/21 🇺🇸 駐休士頓辦事處 Office in Houston 陳家彥處長 Director General Peter Chen 休士頓紀事報(Houston Chronicle) https://reurl.cc/qdnp53 2/28 🇺🇸 駐西雅圖辦事處 Office in Seattle 范國樞處長 Director General Alex Fan 阿拉斯加KTVA 電視台 https://reurl.cc/arZRGZ 3/6 🇪🇨 駐厄瓜多代表處 Representative office in Ecuador 莊輝恩代表 Representative Jaime Chuang 時報 La Hora https://reurl.cc/1xX8mY 3/12 🇫🇷 駐法國代表處 Representative office in France 吳志中代表 Representative François Chih-Chung Wu 「意見報」l’Opinion https://reurl.cc/Njb2Re 3/12 🇨🇦 駐多倫多辦事處 Office in Toronto 徐永梅處長 Director General Catherine Y.M. Hsu 多倫多太陽報 Toronto Sun https://reurl.cc/V6021A 3/13 🇯🇵 駐日本代表處 Representative office in Japan 謝長廷代表 Representative Frank Hsieh 産経新聞 The Sankei News https://reurl.cc/vDpEme 3/13 🇻🇨 駐聖文森國大使館 Taiwan embassy to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 何震寰大使 Ambassador Calvin C. H. Hi 蒐尋光報 Searchlight https://reurl.cc/lVzRgY 3/17 🇲🇽 駐墨西哥代表處 Representative office in Mexico 鄭正勇代表 Representative Armando Cheng 卓越日報 Excélsior https://reurl.cc/206a8E 3/21 🇨🇦 駐溫哥華代表處 Office in Vancouver 陳剛毅處長 Director General Andy Chen 卡加利前鋒報Calgary Herald https://reurl.cc/Kkd2X9 3/23 🇬🇷 駐希臘代表處 Representative office in Greece 郭時南代表 Representative Kuo Shih-nan 赫芬頓郵報Huffingtonpost.gr https://reurl.cc/WdAbqZ 3/24 🇹🇷 駐土耳其代表處 Representative office in Turkey 鄭泰祥代表 Representative Yaser Cheng 新聞時事 Haber Ajanda https://reurl.cc/3D6kx0 3/25 🇭🇳 駐汕埠總領事館 Consulate General in San Pedro Sula 廖志賢總領事 Consul General Benito Liao 國家報 El Pais https://reurl.cc/xZpW61 3/26 🇺🇸 駐芝加哥辦事處 Office in Chicago 黃鈞耀處長 Director General ERIC HUANG 俄亥俄州刀鋒報 The Blade https://reurl.cc/rx306k 3/27 🇸🇪 駐瑞典代表處 Representative office in Sweden 廖東周代表 Representative Daniel T. C. Liao Kvartal網站 https://reurl.cc/E7gm1k 3/31 🇪🇺🇧🇪 駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處 Representative office in the EU and Belgium 曾厚仁代表 Representative Harry Tseng Giselle Nath 荷語標準報 https://reurl.cc/Mv6244 4/1 🇺🇸 駐波士頓辦事處 Office in Boston 徐佑典處長 Director General Douglas Y.T. Hsu 波士頓環球報 The Boston Globe https://reurl.cc/7X4E7N 4/3 🇨🇦 駐加拿大代表處 Representative office in Canada 陳文儀代表 Representative Winston Wen-yi Chen 外交及國際事務季刊 Diplomat & International Canada https://reurl.cc/Kkd24y 4/5 🇪🇸 駐西班牙代表處 Representative office in Spain 劉德立代表 Representative José María Liu 道理日報 La Razón https://reurl.cc/arZXq7 4/12 🇸🇬 駐新加坡代表處 Representative office in Singapore 梁國新代表 Representative Liang, Kuo-Hsin 聯合早報 https://reurl.cc/g7erGL 4/12 🇺🇸 駐邁阿密辦事處 Office in Miami 錢冠洲處長 Director General David Chien 邁阿密前鋒報 Miami Herald https://reurl.cc/5lD3Dq 4/14 🇻🇦 駐教廷大使館 Taiwan embassy to Holy See 李世明大使 Ambassador Matthew Lee 義大利主教團新聞通訊社SIR https://is.gd/QG2uze 4/14 🇦🇺 駐雪梨辦事處 Office in Sydney 范惠君處長 Director General 雪梨晨鋒報Sydney Morning Herald https://reurl.cc/9E6xrY 4/16 🇨🇭 駐瑞士代表處 Representative office in Switzerland 黃偉峰代表 Representative Huang, Wei-Feng 瑞士法語時代報Le Temps國際版主編Marc Allgöwer專訪 https://reurl.cc/j7Q6QD 4/16 🇺🇸 駐檀香山辦事處 Office in Honolulu 曾永光處長 Director General Michael Tseng 檀香山星廣報 Honolulu Star-Advertiser https://reurl.cc/rx30Ex 4/16 🇺🇸 駐亞特蘭大辦事處 Office in Atlanta 洪中明處長 Director General Daniel Hung 亞特蘭大環球報 Global Atlanta https://reurl.cc/j7Q69D 4/18 🇵🇹 駐葡萄牙代表處 Representative office in Portugal 張俊菲代表 Representative Vivia Chun-fei Chang SAPO新聞網 https://reurl.cc/arerYY 4/21 🇭🇺 駐匈牙利代表處 Representative office in Hungary 張雲屏代表 Representative Chang, Yun-ping 蒙特內哥羅Vijesti新聞網 https://reurl.cc/GVnm1y 4/21 🇯🇵 駐大阪辦事處 Office in Osaka 李世丙處長 Director General Lee, Shyh-Bing 日日新聞/日本海新聞 https://reurl.cc/L352D7 4/22 🇮🇹 駐義大利代表處 Representative office in Italy 李新穎代表 Representative Andrea S. Y. Lee 新指南針日報 La Nuova Bussola Quotidiano https://reurl.cc/20Krdr 4/25 🇰🇳 駐聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使館 Taiwan embassy in Saint Kitts and Nevis 李志強大使 Ambassador Tom Lee 勞工發言人報The Labour Spokesman https://reurl.cc/Mv623L 4/29 🇵🇭 駐菲律賓代表處 Representative office in the Philippines 徐佩勇代表 Representative Hsu Peiyung 馬尼拉標準報 Manila Standard https://reurl.cc/1xX8O8 4/30 🇵🇪 駐秘魯代表處 Representative office in Perú 李岳融代表 Representative Iván Yueh-Jung Lee Caretas雜誌專訪 https://reurl.cc/WdAbO9 5/1 🇧🇿 駐貝里斯大使館 Taiwan embassy in Belize 陳立國大使 Ambassador Remus Li-Kuo Chen 貝里斯快報 Breaking Belize News https://reurl.cc/Y14Dk0 5/6 🇬🇧 駐英國代表處 Representative office in the UK 林永樂代表 Representative David Y.L. Lin 城市早報 City AM https://reurl.cc/b53dNo 5/6 🇦🇷 駐阿根廷代表處 Representative office in Argentina 謝俊得代表 Representative Antonio Hsieh 號角報 Clarin https://reurl.cc/O156Ry 5/6 🇧🇷 駐巴西代表處 Representative office in Brazil 何建功代表 Representative Her Jian-Gueng 巴西利亞人郵報 Correio Braziliense https://reurl.cc/WdAbbL 5/7 🇺🇸 駐美國代表處 Representative office in the US 高碩泰大使 Ambassador Stanley Kao 華盛頓郵報(The Washington Post) https://reurl.cc/pd9pp8 5/8 🇮🇩 駐印尼代表處 Representative office in Indonesia 陳忠大使 Ambassador John Chen 接受FPCI (印尼外交政策協會) 專訪 https://reurl.cc/E7gmWK

【魔法館長們大聲疾呼 #台灣參與WHO 現正進行中】 #WHO應纳入台灣 📣📣📣 從這波 #台灣...